How to get Gears Of War’s Crimson Omen Spray
If you logged in today, 12-09-2021 into your Fortnite account, you could see that a brand new set of challenges has been activated by Epic Games alongside the daily challenges. The new challenges/quests set is called “Delta-One Quests” and it contains 5 different challenges which upon completion will grant you the free Crimson Omen spray.
The spray is part of the Gears of War collaboration and it is of Gaming Legends Series rarity.
The spray is basically the Gears of War logo which sports red gear and a red skull. In order to obtain the spray, you will have to complete the following 5 challenges:
- Collect COG Tags x3 – 20.000 XP
- Crouch behind a barrier x1 – 20.000 XP
- Damage Opponent with Melee Attack x1 – 20.000 XP
- Do Shotgun Damage to an Opponent x1 – 20.000 XP
- Collect Thrashball Memorabilia x3 – 20.000 XP
Upon completing all 5 quests you will be rewarded 100.000 XP towards your Battle Pass level, and the Crimson Omen spray!

How much time to get Gears Of War’s Crimson Omen Spray?
Do keep in mind that you only have 7 days and 20 hours to complete this at the time I am writing this article (12-09-2021). After that, the questline will expire and you won’t be able to get the Crimson Omen spray.
It’s unknown whether or not we will see this spray as part of a Gears of War bundle in the Item Shop, but my guess is that we won’t as the Fortnite Leaks show that there are other sprays related to this which will be in the shop.
Guides to get Gears Of War’s Crimson Omen Spray
We’ve prepared a few guides for some of the harder challenges in the Delta-One questline. You can find our guides below:
- Fortnite: Collect Thrashball Memorabilia in Chapter 3 Season 1 – Delta-One Challenges
- Fortnite: How To Crouch Behind Barrier (Season 1 Chapter 3) – Delta-One Quests
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