Resident Evil 4 received glowing reviews for its plot, gameplay, visuals, voice acting, and characters, and is widely regarded as one of the finest video games of all time, having won many Game of the Year honors in 2005. It was adapted to a variety of media and became a cross-platform success, selling over 11 million copies.
It had an impact on the growth of the survival horror and third-person genres, promoting the “over-the-shoulder” third-person view used in games like Gears of War, Dead Space, and The Last of Us.
In Resident Evil 4, you operate Leon S. Kennedy, a federal agent who first appeared in Resident Evil 2. Tasked with rescuing the President’s daughter, who has been abducted by unknown foes you find yourself investigating clues in a Spain village, where a terrifying danger emerges.
Although the Umbrella Corporation and the undead that inhabited earlier games are no longer there, there will be plenty of people in your path here.
Chapter 1: Part 1

Begin by wandering along the trail ahead of you and past a small flock of crows. A vehicle will be on your right, and a home will be on your left. Enter the home through the front entrance and prepare to fire a Ganado as you make your way around the corner inside.
Wait for the attacker to assault you, then back up a little to dodge the attack, slash his face with the knife, kick him, and keep using the knife while it’s down. After he’s been killed, three additional ganados will emerge outside the home; before engaging them, go up the stairs at the back of the building, take the ammunition off the table, and then leap out the nearest window.
You’ll fall in the center of the three ganados—run away fast to establish some distance between yourself and the enemy before aiming to take them out (or use the knife approach). After they’ve been dealt with, rush down the route that the truck was previously obstructing (it’s now gone) and search the neighboring shed for goods and a save point.

A bit farther up the route, you’ll come across a dog that’s been trapped in a bear trap. You can save the wounded animal if you approach it; do so since it will help you defeat the second monster. You’ll be glad afterward. Proceed along the route, but keep an eye out for any more bear traps that may be lying about.
There are a couple of explosive traps at the bottom of the little hill. Either blast the traps to disable them or walk past them and keep going up the hill. There’s another Ganado to worry about at the top; take him out and continue along the route.
On the left side of the route, there’s another little shack with a few objects you should take. However, keep an eye out for the pair of ganados shortly after the shed—if you enter, they’ll become aware of what’s going on, so get in and out as fast as possible. When the coast is clear, go to the bridge ahead.
A third shed may be seen ahead, but do not rush things. There’s a Ganado inside, and you can take him out with a shot or two through the glass. Continue along the road and through the door ahead, grabbing the stuff from the shed.

Just down the road, you’ll be reminded to use your binoculars to look ahead. You’ll be spying on a Ganados-infested community. You’ll have to deal with them someday, but for now, stock up on supplies. A tiny offshoot on the left side of the walkway leads around the north end of the settlement.
You can pass behind a few buildings without being seen. Turn right and leap through the window of another structure to enter inside and acquire the stuff before passing behind a female Ganado harvesting hay.
Prepare for a mad rush once you’ve cleared the building of things. You should sprint about the hamlet, dodging the ganados and collecting all of the things. There’s ammo and health to be had, but wait until you’ve finished scavenging for goods before entering the northeast structure. Enter the northeast building once you’ve stocked up.
Chapter 1: Part 2

As you leave the little shed, you’ll notice a mysterious person through a window. Exit the shed and run to the back to meet with a merchant—if you have any extra cash, consider buying up some stuff and upgrading your weapons.
However, a word of caution: upgrading your shotgun and handgun right now is not a clever choice. You’ll soon be entirely replacing them. The rifle, on the other hand, is what you should acquire. A sweeping camera shows off the hamlet and its various residents as you explore the area in front of the building you’re approaching.
Instead of immediately opening the exit gates, establish a position behind the gaps in the wall and shoot as many ganados as you can. Open the gate, take out the villager on your right, then go ahead to observe an endless stream of foes streaming at you from all directions.
Your best option is to retire behind the gate and let the oncoming swarm of villagers pass through the tight entryway. When they open the door, you can greet them with a shotgun blast or a grenade (grenades will instantly kill a whole bunch of them).
When the flow of enemies appears to have ceased, return through the gate to witness another (smaller) bunch attack you. Maintain your position, and the swarm of residents will ultimately stop.
Exit the area and proceed down the steps to a small, perilous path. Almost immediately, you’ll come to a fork in the road; follow the left branch to enter a building to the north. Inside, there’s some ammunition and another door on the opposite side of the little chamber.
There are two enemies just outside the door. Draw your opponents through the doorway and lay them out. A third villager is waiting for you in the tiny shed (around the corner).
When the shed is clear, go outside thru the east window and shoot the foe perched on the roof. Climb a ladder to the rooftop and take the Emblem (right half) from the tiny chest.

Drop down from the roof and make your way to the northwest structure. As you do so, another wave of foes attacks you from behind!
Run behind the structure, positioning yourself so that no one can attack you from behind, and begin annihilating the villagers—two groups in all. You won’t have to worry about them when they’re gone.
The second part of the Emblem is located in the southeast section, upon the pathways from where the first set of enemies arrived. Approach the closed door to the north with the Emblem (left half). Combine the two symbol pieces and insert them into the entryway to open it before proceeding to the next region.

Enter the building ahead of you. There are a few foes via the door to the south that you may attract by kicking through the door. When they’re gone, proceed through the door, keeping an eye out for two more villagers at the end of the hall to your left.
After you’ve defeated them, proceed down the path and leap through one of the windows to your right—you’ll reach a wide-open area with four enemies on the other side! Take refuge behind the enormous red dumpster as two of them advance toward you.
The other two natives will hurl explosive sticks at you, exploding the first two and allowing you to concentrate your efforts on the two dynamite chuckers. You may either pick them off or try to fire the dynamite just as it leaves their hands, causing an explosion that will kill both of them.
When you’ve dealt with the first four enemies, make your way to the back of the room. Keep an eye out for the bear traps that litter the floor (there are several on the opposite side of the sandbags, so don’t leap over them), as well as the two foes who enter from the left door.
Before entering the passage behind the sandbags, you may also acquire a few more things from the two furnaces on your right. A boarded-up window is just past the entrance, to your left.
Break down the planks with your knife and leap over the ledge to locate a valuable object before returning via the window. To depart the building, go through the entrance at the opposite end of the chamber then descend the steep hall. After heading left and then right again, you’ll come upon a villager.
Nail him, then descend the staircase to the left to obtain some loot (and some free health if you shoot a fish). Climb the highest ladder to leave the area.
There are a few goods to obtain in the region, as well as a few traps to avoid. As you make your way down the road and towards the structure ahead, keep an eye out for bear traps and dynamite rigging in the woods. A minor puzzle awaits you around the corner: twist the sphere around such that the pattern on the sphere matches the patterns on the doorway (twist up twice, then left once).

Inside the room, you’ll find the bright Insignia key, as well as a few other objects. The level will end when you go through the doorway to the left of the bed.
Chapter 1: Part 3

There are a few objects scattered over the house, but no residents to be concerned about. As you go outdoors, you’ll notice a group of peasants (one with a chainsaw) just around the bend to the left. Take down the chainsaw guy right away and proceed down the trail, where you’ll encounter two more of them.
A shed can be seen to your right just slightly down the route, and pink targets can be seen in a few nearby trees. Before running across another group of inhabitants, shoot them down to obtain some goods. Lay ’em out and head back to the village through the entryway at the end of the route.

As soon as you return to the village, a crowd of locals rushes out of the town center in your direction. Take cover as soon as possible within the little structure to your left and use your shotgun to clear out several enemies as they stream in through the little entryway.
Go to the town’s center after all of the enemies are killed. With the Insignia key, you may unlock a door to the southeast. You may ignore them if you wish and just dash through the doorway to move on to the next section despite the fact that there are two of them standing on the roofs to the north.
The little structure has a few things, yet luckily nobody is inside. You may obtain an additional gem by shooting down the lamp in the rear chamber before opening the hole in the floor and dropping down to an underground passage.

You will not have to worry about any inhabitants. You can shoot out several diamonds that are caught in the roof of the little cavern. In this underground corridor, you’ll also locate the merchant. Deal with him, and then proceed through the next door to locate a ladder leading to the graves.
As you walk past the flimsy gate connecting to the cemetery, turn right and seek out the first foe. There’s a little shack behind her with some goods inside and another one of them on the graveyard’s southern side.
When the graveyard’s base is clear, make the turn to the church on the hill to the east. As you do so, three additional villagers will attack you, one of them holds explosives! Clear them out in order to get entrance to the church. You can fire down an object in one of the trees, but be careful: if you strike the bell behind the tree, three inhabitants will appear from the western side of the graveyard.

For the time being, the church is locked, so make your way around to the rear of the structure. Two peasants stand in a tiny courtyard, one of them is equipped with explosives. When you see the dynamite lit, turn around and run away; the blast should wipe out both enemies.
Behind the two villagers is a pedestal with an odd mechanism that you may use. You must illuminate the three symbols that correspond to the emblems on the twins’ gravestones in the main cemetery. The key is that you can only turn the dial in three and four-digit increments, and whichever symbol the dial stops on will automatically light up (or go out). Turn the dial in the following order to appropriately illuminate the three symbols: three increments (3), four increments (4), three increments (3), four increments (4), three increments (3), four increments (4), three increments (3), four increments (4), three increments (3), three increments (3). When all three symbols light up, the mechanism will open, revealing a precious diamond that you may combine with another (the Beerstein).

Continue east on the route that leads past the church. You’ll come to a bridge with a resident who will draw in two more. Clear the way and leap over the chasm. A little shack to the left has a letter (as well as a booby trap), and farther down the trail is another gap you must leap across. Another resident and a door leading to the next section are just around the corner.
There are a few goods to gather in this section, as well as a swarm of crows to fire at for extra prizes.
A door that has been barred is to the northeast, and a corridor with two doors is to the east. You may enter a new region with a save point and another merchant by entering the door to the south. You can choose to increase the power of your weapons; you’ll need all the assistance you can get.
After finishing there, climb up the ladder and go back to the first spot. Walk through the door to the west this time. There are a few things you should grab from the shed to your right. Take them and continue down the slope in front of you.
You’ll reach another sprint event in which you must quickly press the action key in order to evade the tumbling boulder. You’ll have to evade the rock again at the final second.

Follow the route down to the dock and kill the resident who is standing in front of an explosive trap (you may kill him by blowing up the trap).
There are a few locals surrounding the docks that you may eliminate with sniper fire. After you’ve eliminated roughly five of them, a swarm of locals will rush down the hill behind you. Place yourself on the dock such that the long stretch of dock connecting to the first beach works as a funnel, causing all of the villagers to attack you from one side.
You may snipe them as they approach, but you’ll need to switch to another weapon fast if they get too close. When the first wave of villagers has died, a second wave will arrive. Deal with them the same way, and then proceed eastward.

There are a few more locals swarming on the docks. As previously, attempt to eliminate them with sniper fire from a distance while keeping an eye out for any explosive traps that may have been set up. Keep an eye out for the inhabitants hiding in the shed to the left when you eventually arrive at the eastern shore. The next location is through the door after continuing up the hill.
There are a few things to look for around, but there aren’t any present dangers. To discover a red herb, run up the hill to your left. Then, to find a save spot, run down the other way. Take the boat that is docked outside the shed and prepare for combat.
Move the boat outward toward the lake’s center. A gigantic sea creature known as the “Del Lago” arises as you accomplish this and becomes impaled on the end of your anchor.
You’ll have to maneuver the boat to avoid the monster and the floating tree dangers while harpooning the beast with the endless supply of harpoons at your side while the Del Lago drags you about.

The Del Lago immediately draws you into some floating tree dangers. To go around them, pull the boat widely to the right. The monster will dive underwater for his initial strike when you have navigated the dangers.
As the beast surfaces and bites at your weak boat, pull the boat firmly to the left or right. Throughout the course of the conflict, there will be a lot of similar strikes that can all be avoided. You should be alright if you throw the harpoon and just pull forcefully in one direction without pausing.
When you successfully avoid this attack, the Del Lago will begin grasping you once more while its back is protruding over the water. Take advantage of this chance to jab a few harpoons into the rear of the beat while avoiding any obstacles.
Put the harpoon down and move away as the Del Lago dives beneath once again to avoid his oncoming attack.

However, there are occasions when you won’t be able to do so, and instead of the Del Lago emerging close, the scene will appear to remain stationary for a little period of time while Leon is holding the harpoon.
Red arrows will eventually direct you to the Del Lago as it reappears in the distance. Take aim at the Del Lago and swiftly fire one harpoon to catch it when the monster emerges.
Once another harpoon is prepared, you may rapidly fire a second shot just as the beast is about to approach you. The Del Lago will dive under you without hurting you if you manage to hit the monster twice during this assault. The sea monster will strike you if you don’t use two harpoons to kill it as it comes straight for you.
You’ll need to quickly press the action button if you’re thrown from the boat in order to swim back to safety. Keep an eye out for another action-button-mashing scenario that takes place towards the fight’s conclusion; we won’t tell you what happens here, but you’ll need to be on guard even throughout the closing cutscene.

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Thank you so much for this information. I was stuck for ages!!