The Quarry includes 22 Tarot cards that may be spotted and gathered while visiting Hackett’s Quarry Summer Camp’s many areas. These Tarot cards are handed over to Eliza, a fortune-teller that appears at the end of each chapter and provides an appearance into her crystal ball, revealing the possible significance of each card. This guide contains an exhaustive list of all Tarot card placements, as well as the purpose and conclusion of each Tarot card vision.
Tarot Cards in The Quarry Explained

Tarot Cards constitute a special collectible that may be scattered and hidden around Hackett’s Summer Camp. At the end of each chapter, you’ll meet Eliza, a fortune teller who used to run the Harum Scarum Freakshow.
Eliza will analyze all Tarot Cards discovered throughout that chapter and offer to deliver short visions that match every card in her crystal ball during these sessions. Eliza will only be reading one Tarot Card every visit, thus if you locate numerous cards in one chapter, you must pick just one to look at.
Collectibles are not passed around playthroughs, thus you must collect every Tarot Card in a single playthrough. Alternatively, if you were fortunate enough to find most Tarot Cards in the early chapters, simply choose the first chapter in which you overlooked a Tarot Card and play until the end of the chapter from there.
The interpretation of these enigmatic hints and ambiguous cautions might vary greatly depending on the card you find, but don’t be misled; these cards aren’t always as they appear. What appears to be a very innocent card might represent something far eviler, such as a potential character death or even guidance on how to overcome difficult conditions that can be fatal if the incorrect option is made.
The Quarry Tarot Cards Location: Prologue
The Fool

Description: ‘The Fool… I wonder who this is? We all know a fool when we see one. Don’t we? Innocence and freedom? Or recklessness and risk-taking? Spontaneity… Actions without thought, but the consequences to match. Think. Think and don’t get burnt.’
You will gain control of Laura in the woods after walking away from Max. Take the left way when you come to a split path on each side of a tree stump on a tiny mound. The camera will immediately switch to The Fool Tarot Card. To add it to your collection, simply hit the button that appears on the screen.
The Quarry Tarot Cards Location: Chapter 1

Description: ‘Temperance. To be balanced, to consume in moderation. Or to indulge in excess. Temperance. Take it or leave it… but remember sometimes, with temperance, comes deferred gratification.’
Make an entrance inside the Lodge through the window as Jacob. Instead of looking for the bags, exit the study and turn right, then enter the kitchen through the open door on the left. The camera will shift to reveal the Temperance Tarot card. To pick it up, press the corresponding button.
The Quarry Tarot Cards Location: Chapter 2
The Hanged Man

Description: ‘The Hanged Man! To be the hanged man is to surrender… and by doing so gain a new perspective. So look carefully, and consider that sometimes, one needs to be strung up, in order to let go.’
While Nick is out walking with Abigail in the woods, you can receive The Hanged Man Tarot. When you select the ‘Rocky Path‘ option, the camera will inevitably move to display the card above a cliff.
The Quarry Tarot Cards Location: Chapter 3
The Tower

Description: ‘Jump free of your troubles. Fight or flight. That’s the question we all ask ourselves… but often when leaping out of danger, we’re still faced with certain peril. Watch your step, it could be your last.’
While moving through the woods as Abigail, take the first route to its end and then turn left. Simply keep following this route until you reach The Tower Tarot Card, which is placed at the top of a tree. There will be a rapid camera change to assist you in picking up this card.
The Star

Description: ‘Oh, it’s The Star. Stars. In the night sky. Beacons of light. Dreams of hope, purpose… or a reminder of our insignificance, fear of despair. Trust in the light of the star, with it comes clarity, and sometimes proof.’
When leaving the dock, make your way to the nearby canoe stack. As you go closer, the camera angle changes and you’ll notice The Star Tarot Card on the side of the wooden post.
The Quarry Tarot Cards Location: Chapter 4
The Magician

Description: ‘The Magician! The incredible, the unbelievable, the mystical, sensational!… Perceptive manipulation – the work of a magician. Now you see it. Now you don’t. Blink and you miss it. And you wouldn’t want to miss it.’
As soon as Emma is in your control, on the island, turn around and walk toward the dock’s end. When you get close to the brink, the camera will switch to The Magician Tarot Card.

Description: ‘Strength can be surprising. Knowing one’s own raw power. Tapping into a previously unknown energy. I suppose there are forces at work within us all… and with one hand it gives, and with the other it could rip away.’
The camera will move as you approach the lodge, giving you a brief window of opportunity to collect the card before it’s too late as Dylan.
The Quarry Tarot Cards Location: Chapter 5
The Devil

Description: ‘The Devil. Without restriction, like a shadow torn from one’s corporeal form. Pay close attention and act before the demon’s unleashed. Each of us have one, even those who are pure of heart and say their prayers by night.’
Head to the tree in the middle of the cabin area and look for the swing as Dylan before following Ryan to the radio hut. It is located on the same side of the tree as the section that has graffiti regarding Emma and Jacob on it. Go between the two picnic benches near the swing to force the camera to switch perspectives and reveal The Devil Tarot Card.
The Hermit

Description: ‘Here we have The Hermit. With the hermit comes isolation, loneliness… but reflection, too. Perhaps, given some thought, the hermit who gives chase can guide you to safety. But that all depends on your actions, not his.’
As Dylan, you must accompany Ryan to the radio hut but before entering, take the walkway to the left of the structure to cause the camera to change perspective and display The Hermit Tarot Card. When Ryan sits down, you’ll know you’ve arrived at the radio shack.
The Quarry Tarot Cards Location: Chapter 6

Description: ‘An eye for an eye. Not exactly, in some cases… but cause and effect. Actions and consequences. There’s a balance to everything, and we all play a part in making sure the scales aren’t tipped.’
Head to the end of the wooden walkway, down the steps, and turn left as Jacob. Turning right at the bottom of the steps will cause a cutscene. Continue walking after turning left, and the camera will ultimately change to display the Justice Tarot card.
The Moon

Description: ‘The Moon. How poignant. Tonight of all nights. To harness your fear and anxiety…. and turn them into tuition. If you can do this, and plan ahead – your cunning might just save your life.’
While playing as Abigail at the poolhouse, go through the middle entrance on the left of the small corridor facing Nick. To activate the camera shift that reveals The Moon Tarot Card, walk to the extreme rear of this shower room.
The Quarry Tarot Cards Location: Chapter 7
The World

Description: ‘Ah, The World… Often travelers’ paths are direct. But sometimes, it is not so simple. Sometimes they’re intertwined with others. Compassion over anger. You’ll need friends where you’re going. It is not until we fall into the belly of the beast that we realize how perilous things can be.’
As soon as you take control of Laura inside her cell, proceed to the closed door to obtain the camera change required to pick up The World Tarot Card, which is placed beneath the bed.
The Chariot

Description: ‘The Chariot! At the reins of a chariot, we would all feel safer. Taking control, relying on determination to make our choices. Valiant… but in some cases foolish. Many seek refuge in chariots, but perhaps, in some cases, they’re not as safe as we think they are.’
Laura will eventually get the chance to venture outside of her confinement. Leave the cell and proceed to the next room, which contains four desks with seats on top of them. Step into the center of these desks to adjust the camera angle and discover The Chariot Tarot Card.
The Quarry Tarot Cards Location: Chapter 8
The Lovers

Description: ‘The Lovers. There’s harmony in disagreement, brought to light only by sparks of passion. Blood flows from the heart. You can almost taste it. And tasting it could save someone’s life.’
Laura and Ryan should both destroy a wooden walkway and fall into a mine after arriving at the Hackett property. Investigate the starting point, then proceed up the stairs and further into the mine.
You only need to keep going till you notice another staircase after the scene where Ryan trips and has a little talk with Laura. Going up these stairs will cause a cutscene. Instead, proceed to the little balcony on the left. The camera angle will change, and you will be able to pick up The Lovers Tarot Card.
Wheel of Fortune

Description: ‘The Wheel of Fortune. After all, fortune is nothing but a spinning wheel. Sometimes you have to take a chance. Karma works in mysterious ways, but it favors those who pay attention. Watch closely. Though the wheel spins, the eagle-eyed can tell where it’s going to stop.’
You’ll come upon a boarded-up tunnel while exploring the mine as Laura with Ryan. Laura will take down the wooden boards, allowing you both to pass through. While moving, the camera angle shifts, showing the Wheel of Fortune Card on the right side of the screen.
The Empress

Description: ‘The Empress. Look at her. Those at the top can fall the hardest. Such a shame – to nurture little monsters only to live long enough to watch them kill you. But it’s no less than she deserves.’
You will have control of Ryan this time when you return to Laura and Ryan’s situation in the mine. Turn left and walk into the next room to the center as quickly as you can to trigger the camera change and see The Empress Tarot Card.
The Emperor

Description: ‘The Emperor. Authority, paternity… Structures designed to topple, no? How the mighty may fall, and their empires with them. Let them bleed. let them rip each other apart. Let them rot.’
Turn around immediately after picking up the last card and return to where you started as Ryan, walking down this path until the camera angle switches. To add The Emperor to your Tarot Card collection, click the required button.
The Quarry Tarot Cards Location: Chapter 9

Description: ‘Death. Death takes many forms… it could mean change, transition, transformation… often interpreted as a beacon for the hopeful. In your case, it just means death.’
You’ll take control of Ryan after Bobby stabs him and leaves him alone in a room. Before interacting with another item, walk into the middle of the room, midway between the bed and the cabinet, to find the Death Tarot Card.
The Sun

Description: ‘The Sun. The vitality of a new day. There’s still time to wake up the warmth of a night survived. Your choices, your actions… Your very life hangs in the balance. It’s up to you to find your path in the darkness, and see the sun rise once again.’
When you ultimately gain control of Laura inside the Hackett residence, you will be allowed to explore the area briefly while looking for a way out. When you come upon a piano, take the stairs, then a left, then another left, and finally a right through the door on your right. Walk into the middle of the room to reveal The Sun Tarot Card and add it to your collection.

Description: ‘Judgement. Judgement day is upon us! That’s what you’d expect from this card, isn’t it? Though perhaps in this case it’s simpler than that. Perhaps one’s own judgement, a snap decision to make, can save them from their own personal day of reckoning. Every step matters, every decision tipping the balance one way or the other. Take your time. Think. And maybe survive.’
While controlling Dylan with Kaitlyn at the scrapyard, you will ultimately open up a passage to another portion of the scrapyard. Even after the cutscene has been triggered, proceed through this gate. Continue going until you reach a metal stairway, then climb it and turn left on top of the containers.
As you walk down this left path, the camera angle will change, allowing you to pick up the Judgement Tarot Card.
The Hierophant

Description: ‘My poor boy. Do you see what they did to us? How they hurt us? He’s out there still. All alone. Each full moon they hunt him, armed with silver. Trying to put an end to a curse they inflicted upon themselves when they set my show ablaze six years ago. Stupid children. But little Silas. My little white wolf. He must be protected. You must not follow this path. Do you understand? Remember how I’ve helped you all this time.’
As soon as you have control of Abi, proceed into the darkness and turn right. At the bottom of a flight of steps, you’ll see a faint glimmer of light. Approach it to alter the camera angle, exposing the card.
The Quarry Tarot Cards Location: Chapter 10
The High Priestess

Description: ‘Eliza was killed in the fire that broke out at her traveling show six years ago. Her ghost roams the woods of Hackett’s Quarry ever since, and she’s been determined to get revenge on the Hackett family for what they did to her. Her tarot cards, once lost in the blaze, have allowed her to guide you through the night… though her motives may not have been as transparent as first thought.’
The last Tarot Card in The Quarry may be found on the top floor of the lodge by playing as Kaitlyn. As soon as you have control of her, proceed up the right-hand stairwell, then turn left at the top. Take another left as you go forward. There will be a chamber and another set of stairs.
As you climb the stairs, turn left to move toward the windows on this side of the chamber. When the camera angle changes, the High Priestess Card will appear. Take it and add it to your collection.
If you have discovered all Tarot Card locations in The Quarry, picking up the High Priestess card will complete your collection and provide you with the ‘Decked Out’ Trophy!
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