The Quarry is a cinematic thriller game from Supermassive Games, and it makes extensive use of QTEs and storyline-altering actions. All of these variables lead to The Quarry having around 200 endings depending on who is kept alive, making it difficult to locate the ending where everyone survives.
The Quarry offers important tools such as death reverse and chapter select, but these are only accessible until you reach the end of the game’s story. As a result, gamers attempting an ‘Everybody Survives‘ run should ensure that they follow every step in this tutorial.
Basic Ideas for Maintaining Everyone Alive

Quick-Time Events (QTEs) and narrative possibilities will be presented to players from the start of the game. Because cutscenes are quick and unpredictable, it is a good idea to stop while reviewing the guide in between them; choosing/missing particular opportunities might mistakenly send players down an alternative plot route.
Actually missing a QTE could be the way to go, so exercise caution while making fast judgments throughout The Quarry. If players aren’t used to performing QTEs, it’s a good idea to make manual backup saves before challenging gameplay parts.
Some options won’t open up new plotlines but can impact conversation. For example, just three selections in the prologue affect the plotted course, yet the player will encounter almost 20 chances, QTEs, and dialogue options.

Everything following, focuses on the “Everyone Survives” plot routes, yet some interactions may result in short optional sequences.
With 10 chapters in The Quarry, nine playable characters, and crossing conversations, keeping track of decisions throughout the game might be challenging. The greatest outcomes will result from maintaining the good connections and ties between Abigail and Nick, Jacob and Emma, and Dylan and Ryan.
The Quarry Chapter 1 decisions

In reality, it makes little difference whether Jacob grabs the rotor arm or breaks the fuel line, however breaking the fuel line can make your job as Jacob easier in future chapters.
Still, it’s crucial to sneak inside the cabin as Abigail and grab the stuffed animal because if you don’t collect an essential item later, Kaitlyn’s life might be in danger at the finale of the game.
- Grab Emma’s bracelet from the wooden fence.
- Break the minivan’s fuel line.
- Break into the cabin with Emma.
- Pick up the teddy on the right side of the cabin and chose to keep it.
- Choose the scenic route while in the cart with Emma.
- Nudge Nick.
- While chatting with the others, select the “friendly,” “supportive,” and “understanding” conversation choices.
- When back with the group, pick the ‘compliant’, ‘curious’, ‘supportive’, and ‘reluctant’ dialogue options.
The Quarry Chapter 2 decisions

The second chapter doesn’t provide many relevant decisions, but it’s crucial to take the fireworks since Emma will need them later.
- Grab the shotgun in the general store.
- Take the fireworks or Emma will get infected later.
- Don’t go down the hatch.
- Interact with the shotgun.
- Go down Rocky Road to find a Tarot Card.
- Choose ‘dare’ as Ryan if you want him to kiss either Dylan or Kaitlyn.
The Quarry Chapter 3 decisions

The real terror begins at this point. If the monster bites Abigail, she might get infected. She never exhibits any symptoms, thus there are no serious repercussions. It’s crucial to complete all QTEs as Ryan and to refrain from throwing dirt as Jacob at the end of the chapter because doing so might save their lives in subsequent chapters.
- When the beast strikes, aid Nick, then run and carefully hold your breath until the creature has left.
- You may follow the shortcut or the main path, but you shouldn’t miss any QTEs in order to see the hunter with Nick, also you should Shoot the Hunter to pick up an essential item that will save Ryan’s life later.
- Upon hearing Abi’s scream a decision will be made: Dive in and get the rota arm or head into the woods to save Abi? If you go in for the rota arm, be very cautious because this is the first time we may have a character killed. First, grab the rotor arm, and then detangle, DO NOT PULL!
- After Jacob gets trapped don’t throw the dirt.
The Quarry Chapter 4 decisions

While you’re controlling Ryan, the first person that dies could be Jacob, so don’t shoot into the bushes when everyone hears a disturbance. Emma can also die if you do not inspect the bags before accessing the trap door, or if you reel the zipline too quickly and fail the QTEs.
- Don’t shoot either time when you hear a noise in the woods, this will lead to Jacob’s death.
- If you don’t check the bags in the treehouse before you open the trap door, Emma dies.
- Don’t fail any QTE or Emma may get infected.
- Taser the werewolf(or bear spray).
- Run to the trapdoor when the option comes up
- Make sure to reel the zipline slowly and don’t speed up, as this can result in Emma dying
- Give the gun to Kaitlyn.
The Quarry Chapter 5 decisions

Nobody can die in Chapter 5 if you’ve chosen all the right options to rescue the group in The Quarry thus far, but Dylan can become infected if you do not cut off his arm, which may result in Kaitlyn contracting the disease eventually.
- Don’t fail the QTEs.
- Successfully hold your breath.
- Hide.
- Successfully hold your breath.
- When you hear the creature at the radio cabin, don’t shoot at the roof.
- Dylan’s arm needs to be cut with the chainsaw to prevent infection.
The Quarry Chapter 6 decisions

Make sure to pry the trap open as Jacob, otherwise, he’ll end up dead. If you don’t shoot Nick in the poolhouse, Abigail will be murdered in an awful way. Don’t worry about this ruining the best ending; it won’t kill Nick. If you want to reduce the possibility of getting infected later, Emma should take the leftover fireworks from the camp.
- Don’t fail any QTEs.
- Hide and successfully hold your breath.
- Pry open or Jacob will headfirst into a beartrap, dying instantly.
- Intervene when Nick gets too close to Abigail.
- Helping Nick out of the water or comforting Abi, doesn’t matter.
- Select any conversation choices you would like, but be sure you shoot Nick once he’s thrown Abigail across the room or else, she’ll die.
- Don’t run.
- Pick up the leftover fireworks from the camp or Emma may get infected later.
The Quarry Chapter 7 decisions

Since you’ll only be playing Laura in Chapter 7, your objective should be to keep developing a positive working relationship with the sheriff. When the prompt appears, it’s crucial to not grab his gun and instead use a syringe to put him to sleep in order to avoid hurting him. Later, all of this will help to save the lives of both Laura and the sheriff.
- Be ‘cooperative‘, ‘intrigued‘, ‘pleading‘, and don’t lash out when dealing with the sheriff.
- Use the spoon that is positioned over the bed to incise the masonry beneath the window.
- Select each of the legal alternatives when you talk with the sheriff again.
- Pick up the syringe from the office above while investigating the area outside Laura’s cell, and then tuck it away under a block there.
- You should be “honest,” “confident,” and “encouraging,” and you shouldn’t seize the sheriff’s pistol since he’ll talk to you later.
- When using the syringe to render the sheriff unconscious, do not fail the QTE event.
The Quarry Chapter 8 decisions

In Chapter 8, there are no critical decisions that affect Laura and Kaitlyn’s narrative, but Ryan’s actions may cause Jacob to die. Make sure you choose the right breakers and agree to let him out of the cage, otherwise, Jacob will later be dead.
- Stop Laura from shooting the creature or Nick will die.
- Help Jacob by choosing Breakers 1 and 2 the first time, and Breakers 2 and 3 the second time – if you don’t do this Jacob will die later.
The Quarry Chapter 9 decisions

In Chapter 9, Constance, Jedediah, Bobby, and Ryan might all pass away if you make the incorrect choices. You can still save the Hacketts by following the instructions below, even though it is irrelevant whether they perish or not in order to get the Trophy for everyone remaining alive in The Quarry.
The most crucial choices concern Ryan. Ryan will perish at the end of the chapter if you don’t let Laura infect you and shoot the monster when the prompt arrives. While playing as Abigail, you should also take the silver bullets to guarantee Kaitlyn’s survival later.
- While fighting with Constance, don’t do the QTE event or Constance will die.
- Check the door to the right of the bed then the door to the left of the bed.
- Hide in the cabinet or under the bed and successfully hold your breath.
- Choose to run.
- Jedediah will come through a door later – don’t attack him and choose ‘run’ if don’t want him to die.
- Don’t choose the stab option or Bobby will die later.
- You need to allow Laura to infect you or Ryan will die later.
- Pick ‘warn Kaitlyn‘ in the crane.
- Don’t fail any QTEs and choose ‘sound horn‘ or Kaitlyn will get infected.
- Pick up the silver bullets by the fuse box or Kaitlyn could die later.
- You must shoot the monster or Ryan will die.
The Quarry Chapter 10 decisions

There are plenty of ways to die in Chapter 10, but if you’ve made the key choices listed above, it will be much simpler to maintain everyone in The Quarry. While Kaitlyn should take the silver bullets to shoot the beast when it enters the lodge, Max must remain on the island or he would perish immediately. Use the teddy you picked up earlier as Abigail if you choose to dash inside the kitchen instead.
Laura and Ryan can both die in the end, however, Ryan will live as long as he has blood splattered on his face from earlier. To save everyone and earn the greatest ending, you need to kill the beast at the end, or else, Laura and the sheriff could die and everyone will remain infected.
- It’s important to choose ‘Stay’ or Max will die.
- When the werewolf appears, choose to run every time before entering the kitchen.
- Don’t fail any QTEs.
- Choose to cross the beam, do not go out the window.
- Pick ‘investigate‘ to get the silver bullets and shoot the monster to make sure Kaitlyn doesn’t die, or head into the kitchen with Dylan and use the toy Abigail took at the beginning of the game as a decoy to trap the creature in the freezer.
- Don’t fail the QTEs in the car.
- Don’t take the sheriff’s gun.
- Give the blood to Ryan.
- Shoot the monster, or Laura and Travis will die.
Following this, there will be a brief epilogue summarizing the fates of every character. If you complete all of the following actions to save everyone in The Quarry, you will receive the best ending and the ‘Rough Night’ Trophy.
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